How to make a flat cheaply

How to make a flat cheaply

jak tanio zrobić mieszkanie

how to make a flat cheaply

Purchase flats is very labour-intensive i often requires long-term Credit. Nothing strange, that many persons old get limit additional costs related z including purchase, w including costs conversions or refurbishment. Let's check out so, or i such as can be cheaply i well finish flat.

Finishing your home - start with planning

First i most important steps, which please start at arranging flats, is planning scope works. Completion flats purchased from developer is planned otherwise than refurbishment flats purchased on market secondary. W first case you can focus get only on elements decorative, w second maybe exist necessity exchanges hydraulics, a also painting walls i renovation bathrooms. Scope these works has large impact on cost finishes home, therefore w some cases necessary may be compromises. Żto them find, you must firstly compile list all tasks To performances. Not until then you can To decide, which works are MORE IMPORTANT, a with which it is possible to wait.

Cost estimation

Now, when you have already list works refurbishment i finishing, time estimate, how much will be cost their completion. Include them cost labour i materials finishing. If not you have certainties what To applicable rates, obtaining preliminary valuations da Those image o volumes costs, of which you can get expectation. Prices these should be similar, but must take at attention, that costs labour at renovations w Warsaw are higher than w smaller cities.

Second important variable, which significantly affects on cost finishes flats, is cost materials finishing. W including case difficult is find clear assortment, because prices materials finishing may get significantly pink, a some even claim, that "no has limitations". Difficult so use get here averages, a to specify, how much will be cost completion of new flats, must will be consist of on prices selected materials. 

Where to look for savings when finishing a flat?

After evaluation costs initial you can be broken total achieved amount i conclude, that budget To realise not meets all expectations. W such Situation must seek compromises i savings, to fit get w budget on furniture To flats.

Wanting save money, especially at renovation flats, please remember, that not worth postpone all works on later. If you are planning reconstruction of bathrooms, a Your installation water and sewerage is obsolete i requires exchanges, not submit get. They are it's additional costs, but better them incur during renovation than later, when bursts pipe. Repair damages caused by this failure z Certainly would be very costly, because some tiles would have to become dismantled i again arranged.

Please also remember, that bathrooms i kitchens are usually most expensive w finish. If so you want save money, worth look around get per cheaper device. Not means it, that you must retire z quality, but worth seek occasions w shops with used equipment. Wide range tiles known producers often has on eye opportunities, which shops want shed get from its Stock, a available quantity allows on completion of small bathrooms w with its Block. Savings dozens gold on metro square it's saving hundreds gold w of the whole bathroom, a limited budget allows on additional works finishing touches.

W kitchen furniture i equipment kitchen are biggest expense. Therefore at selection return attention on solutions o good ratio prices To quality. Buying modular furniture kitchen will be cost less than ordering furniture on order u carpenter, a quality will be comparable. Again, by selecting equipment farms domestic, reflect get, or necessarily are it's devices self-sufficient. Because of this type product can be many times more expensive from devices free-standing. Hundreds gold saved on cooker, fridge i dishwasher it's thousands gold on other works finishing touches. Part people, which want cheaply finish its home, decide get on it's independently or z with the help of members families. If you know i you can perform final work or you have professional w its family, maybe it's actually save much money. Task it's is however time-consuming i maybe be challenging. Please also remember, that some works require special permits. Therefore not please independently exchange installations Electric or gas, because maybe it's have dramatic consequences. 

Cheap flat finishing? A sensible compromise is the way to go!

Like can be seen budget on finishing flats is Limited, so usually we must seek compromises. W such Situation better not postpone renovation installations, but if looking for savings on bathroom, search occasions i select qualitative w good price. Because cost stacking tiles is better. Make it's well once. Because however there are elements equipment, which can be later easily replace, from straight away can be consider cheaper solutions. You can dream o precious oiled wooden floor, but Your budget is limited i not stand You on it. W such Situation can be select panels floor, which on beginning of are quite cheap, a after certain time replace them dream lumber. Because panels float, later dismantling means less mess i is significantly easier than exchange tiles bathrooms.

Briefly saying, if you have tight budget i you want cheaply finish flat, you must seek reasonable compromises i look somewhat further w The future, to Your savings not have been violated. W certain circumstances, if flat not meets standards developers i has been purchased on market secondary, worth on some time leave flat yes, such as is i wait, until will be available essential measures i funds. Slightly less restrictive. 

However, you don't have to worry about all this rose estate agency will find the best and most financially advantageous solutions for you to be 100 % satisfied

How to buy a flat on the secondary market - a step-by-step guide

How to buy a flat on the secondary market - a step-by-step guide

Purchase flats it's one z highlights decisions w lives. W many cases means it's enlistment Credit, which will be repaid years, what constitutes large load for home Budget. Many flats purchased is on market secondary. Therefore today cue step after step such as purchase flat. 

Searching for accommodation

First step on way To M is finding relevant flats. Worth consider get, which features should hold ideal flat. Means it's not only size i number rooms, but also location i access To infrastructure (schools, kindergartens, communication urban, Companies etc.). In addition consideration, which z these factors are prime, a which secondary, maybe help w made selection from several suggestions. 

Checking the legal status before buying a flat

After made initial selection flats, which us get like i successful visions local, worth check its state legal. Here z with the help of come intermediaries, who thanks to its knowledge knowledge what i where check. Book perpetual i entries w it contained are very important. Worth check, or flat not is debited to mortgage. Worth also check, or rem has limited entitlements. Serfdom or life imprisonment, initiated proceedings enforcement. Important is also, to owners houses not overdue z payments on thing municipalities or cooperatives housing.

Worth however to know, that purchase flats inscribed w IV Book perpetual w link z debt mortgage z title enlisted credit on purchase not constitutes Obstacles w purchase. W such Situation necessary is obtaining additional documents, so-called commitments, z bank, z of which enlisted credit i relevant processing sales. 

Preliminary agreement for the sale of a flat

After positive verification state legal interesting You flats i take up decisions o purchase follows signature contracts. If you want purchase flat on credit, you must sign contract preliminary. Contract this becomes get then basis To applications get o credit mortgage. Such contract includes get also at purchase flats per cash, but flat it's is debited to mortgage credit enlisted previously via current owner. In addition there is possibility conclude contracts transfers properties real estate w case, when z of some due to conclusion contracts transfers properties real estate not is possible, a user wants confirm intention acquisitions premises residential i determine terms and conditions transactions. Contract preliminary maybe become included on writing, but form notarial not is here required. To however provide security of the whole transactions, worth decide get on conclusion contracts preliminary w in the form of act notary. Such contracts have stronger power legal i allow later investigate its rights w court. Of course if one from pages will refuse signatures contracts promised. After signature such contracts makes get entry w Book perpetual. Entry indicating on signature preventing owner conclusion temporary contracts z more than one person. Maybe get it's happen, if owner is unfaithful, a contract has been included only on writing. 


An important element of the preliminary agreement is deposit. This is a contractually stipulated amount that the buyer pays to the seller when confirming the desire to purchase the property. At the signing of the final contract, this amount is credited towards payment for the entire property.

However, in the event that the contract transferring ownership is not signed through the fault of the buyer, the seller is entitled to keep the deposit. If the promised contract was not signed through the fault of the seller, the buyer has the right to claim the double amount of the deposit. On the other hand, if the contract was not concluded for reasons beyond the control of either party, the deposit should be returned.

Contract transferring ownership, i.e. the promised contract

Last formal The thing, which separates us from ownership flats, is signature Contracts Transfers Properties. This contract must be signed w in the form of certified notarised i is invalid w any other form. All pages contracts must stake get in person w purpose signatures contracts. If z any reasons one from pages not maybe stake get in person, its proxy maybe be other person on based on powers of attorney prepared w in the form of act notary.

If bought flat on credit, it's after its signature you will be must have pretend get To bank. There money are activated i transferred on account retailers. If not you provide loans, you must transfer equivalent of amounts on account retailers w specific deadline after conclusion of contracts. 

Acceptance of the flat

After complementing all formalities i receipt of via seller full payment per flat, we will organise transfer keys. W including time you will be must have transcribe indications counters i compile protocol take-over flats describing state flats. It's important document, which will be basis future changes w contracts on deliveries media. After transfer of keys we can w Finally enjoy get our home. 

What influences the price of housing?

What influences the price of housing?

Co ma wpływ na cenę mieszkania?

What influences the price of housing?

If you are planning purchase flat w forthcoming The future, it's already you will be interested including, co, where i per how much you can buy. Market housing is on so much large, that per small money can be find small studio or worth millions penthouse . Thanks to to this each maybe find it, what mu answers. However, comparing prices flats o similar volumes, maybe get prove, that difference w price is large. Let's see now, what decides o price flats. 


Location flats it's one z highlights factors affecting on its price. Undoubtedly can be note correctness, that im closer to centre, including higher price. At high prices flats impact maybe have also proximity to sites recreational or quick communication urban (such such as metro or trams).

However, location maybe have negative impact on value condominium. Areas o bad reputation at towards Security have on general lower prices flats. Close to hence also To busy roads, factories, tracks railways i of everything, what maybe unfavourably impact on Your Comfort.

A some even claim, that on prices flats influence three factors:
First location, second location, third location:
Location it's however not the only factor. 

Condition, layout and height of the flat and standard of the building

Another important factor affecting on price flats is state i system flats. Flats finished at key or refurbished are more expensive than housing able to be finished or renovation. Very important is also system flats. Im more functions, including better. Small, uneven room, small windows or unfavourable location from pages sunshine lower value flats. Height flats maybe also impact on its value. W buildings intended on flats multifamily height flats is usually from 2,70 To 2,90 m, i.e. significantly above normal 2,5 m for ordinary buildings multifamily. Higher the value of the dwelling may stem from z better standards construction. Means it's presence facilities, such such as low-noise lifts, car park underground i project parts common.  

Additional facilities

What so decides o price flats? Additional equipment it's also important factor affecting on price flats. These include To them e.g. 24/7 Protection, zones reserved facility, or porters on reception building 24 hours on 24 hours a day. These additional services significantly improve general standard real estate, what finds reflection of w prices flats on real estate. 

Trendy wall colours 2023

Trendy wall colours 2023

Modne kolory ścian 2023

Trendy wall colours 2023


What colours for fashionable decoration in 2023?

trendy colours 2023
New year, new style!

The colours of fashionable decoration in 2023 are sure to seduce you. Nowadays, it is important to feel good about your own interior, and this applies in particular to the choice of colours in its decor.

The message of this new year is clear: the trend is for soft and enveloping colours as well as bold and dynamic colours. The year 2022 is more about warm and simple colours.

For 2023, these colours have been reworked to offer us a palette full of good vibes and good humour. The colours of the 2023 trend are earthy colours, from terracotta to purple but also bolder colours such as yellow, orange or purple.

A brief overview of the trends and colours that stand out this year:

Slow life trend

Trend Slow Life

Slow Life Trend

Originating from the Nordic countries, the Slow life trend embodies a true lifestyle. It is inspired by nature and advocates a return to calm and tranquillity. Slow life asks us about our relationships with others and reconnects us with the elemental.

Its streamlined design is characterised by natural, floral nuances, earthy and aquatic tones:

Trendy colours 2023: Neutral colours

Modne kolory 2023

Trendy colours 2023

The neutral colours that have been used in our interiors for many years are available this year with a touch of madness. Comforting and soothing, these natural colours are no longer just the default colours, but also the main colours in the room. They are gradually replacing white and are the perfect base colour.

trendy colours 2023

A quick overview of the year of new neutrals! The trendy neutral colours for 2023 are:

- Beige: Sand, beige and rose beige are this year's new must-haves. These shades go equally well in bohemian-inspired interiors and the spirit of slow life as they do in sophisticated decoration.

Ecru: This design colour encourages calm and elegance. Only with this colour will you easily decorate your interior, playing the total look card. To avoid falling into too simple an atmosphere, play with materials by mixing linen with cotton or wool.

-Chalk shades: chalk, clay, cement for a calm and orderly interior.

Neutral colours combine wonderfully with raw materials such as concrete, wood or brick to create a combination of warm and cool colours.

Earth colours



Earth colours are colours that resemble the colours of the earth. They are colours used in interior design to create a warm and natural atmosphere. They are particularly suitable for living rooms and bedrooms, but can also be used in other areas of the house, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

To add a touch of earthy colour to your décor, you can opt for accessories such as throw pillows, rugs or curtains, or paint a wall or two in an earthy colour. You can mix different earthy colours to create a unique and personalised look!

These shades offer osmosis with nature, an essential and contemplative connection.

colour terracotta
The key earth colours of 2023 are:

-Terracotta: which is stationary and always at the front of the scene. This red-orange shade is a warm and natural colour reminiscent of dry lands. Warm and cosy, it can be found on the walls or in small accents on decorative accessories.

- Earthy purple: Earthy purple with pink tones is also very on trend. Indeed, this shade brings a touch of colour, being one

Kolory wodne

Water colours

sober and elegant. This bright purple can be used in the living room, but also in the bedroom or the office!

Colours with water waves

Water colours are also getting into the slow life trend. These watercolour shades create a soothing and refreshing atmosphere, reminiscent of holidays or seascapes. They diffuse positive vibes in a minimalist and sophisticated decoration.

water colour
Trendy water colours for 2023:

Water green: Light green or pastel, this versatile colour adapts to a variety of decoration styles. Associate with neutral colours to enhance the calming effect.

Water green: fresh and bright, this green symbolises water and nature. Reminiscent of the crystal clear sea, this colour can be the dominant colour to create a calm atmosphere.

- Blue: associated with the sea or the sky, the azure shade adds radiance. Used as a dominant colour, it lends a serene and elegant mood.

The slow life trend also has its favourite materials. This is why we rely on furniture with raw and authentic mineral finishes such as marble. Combined with polished, warm, light or blackened wood, as well as brushed metals with a patina over time.

Well-being trend

The 'Feel good' trend is a real weapon against despondency. Like a bucolic walk, this concept appeals to our senses, creating fluid, energetic and emotional spaces. Underneath this term, which translates from French as 'feel good', are colourful decors, reminiscent of the 1970s.

Trendy colours 2023: Energetic colours

Blood Orange: This warm colour is making a comeback and is no longer limited to retro interiors. Bright orange will grace our interiors in 2023, adding energy and dynamism. The shiny and vibrant shade creates a positive and stimulating atmosphere. Green plants are also welcome in an interior with orange décor.

Lagoon blue: This bright and vibrant blue with green tones is reminiscent of the colour of lagoons and evokes exoticism and warmth. Soft and energetic, it creates a summer atmosphere that makes you want to travel.

Ultraviolet: The chosen colour of 2018, ultraviolet is making a comeback in our interiors. Intense and elegant in tone, it has a style that looks almost seventies. It is associated with elements in metal, chrome, aluminium... with iridescent reflections for a futuristic look.

Viva magenta: It's the colour of the year 2023! Between fuchsia and red, this vibrant shade enlivens dull interiors. It undoubtedly brings energy to the room in which it is placed. A bold colour, it can be easily appropriated to breathe dynamism and romance into its decoration.

colour of the year viva magenta

Viva magenta

Viva magenta

soft colours

- Bright yellow: This bright yellow colour is often used to add cheer to a room. It brings a subtle splash of colour when used on walls or accessories and gives the illusion that the room it is in is larger.

- Powder pink: Very feminine and delicate, powder pink adds softness and sophistication to an interior. This sophisticated colour can be used in all rooms: living room, bedroom, bathroom....

Ice blue: this cold, deep blue is reminiscent of the colour of ice and represents coldness and tranquillity. It gives a confidential, contemplative atmosphere. To sublimate ice blue, it is associated with neutral and chalky colours.

Nature colours

Greenery has reigned supreme in our interiors for several years. And this year 2023 continues to invest our decoration!

colours of nature
- Almond grey green is a pale, soft green with warm tones. This green creates a soothing and relaxing atmosphere and can be combined with pastel colours or, on the contrary, with brighter colours to create a contrast.

Olive green is another very fashionable shade of green for 2023, this deep green is approaching bottle green. It brings a touch of sophistication and character to the décor. Bottle green is associated with colours such as gold or navy blue to emphasise this elegant side.

Purple. This shade with its many hues has been on the list of favourite colours again this year. Ultraviolet, as seen above, or in lighter shades for a floral motif.

Lilac: The soft and subtle colour lilac has the ability to visually enlarge a room. It is a colour that invites harmony and tranquillity. For a contemporary interior feel, combine it with light colours such as white or grey.

- Lavender: A colour with the same name as the flower, this light purple can be used as the dominant colour in decoration. This colour comes in many shades, so it is important to choose the one that best meets your expectations.

Upcoming projects

It is happening😃
Dear customers with us, the construction of two flats in Szczecin has just begun and will soon be available in our offer. Stay tuned for news we will keep you updated on the progress of the works. This is how it looks like
for the moment.

What to do before selling your home

What to do before selling your home

Co warto wiedzieć przed sprzedażą domu

What you should know before selling your home

Planning to sell your home this year? Here are some sale preparation activities you can do yourself.

Set aside a few weekends to do the work and follow these three steps. Then get ready to make a great impression on potential buyers and close the deal.

Step 1: Clean and tidy
It may seem obvious, but the importance of cleaning and tidying up cannot be overstated. Here are some ideas to make this process almost painless.

Eliminate clutter before cleaning: This is the time to clear your home of unwanted and unnecessary items. Your local recycling company or municipality may be willing to pick up and haul away large metal items for free or provide drop-off locations.
Thoroughly clean the house: this step will probably require the biggest investment of time. Involve the whole family if you can! Think of it as a pumped-up spring clean. Pay particular attention to kitchens and bathrooms, and wash windows inside and out - a striking improvement to the overall appearance of your home.
Organise your cupboards, cabinets and drawers: in this case, out of sight doesn't mean out of mind. Many potential buyers will want to see the inside of cupboards and wardrobes to assess the amount of storage space, and these are often the most cluttered areas of your home.
Step 2: Make minor repairs
Take care of these issues before you take your listing photos or prepare for shows, either in person or on video tours. These are all fixes you can make yourself.

Repair any leaking taps and running toilets.
Replace the seals around baths, showers and basins.
Refresh or repair the grout if necessary.
Repair the walls and repaint them in a neutral, generally pleasing colour that suits your home.
Replace burnt-out light bulbs.

Step 3: Take care of the external appearance

You want potential buyers to be enthralled by the exterior of your home, to look forward to the interior. Extend your pumped-up spring cleaning to the outside of your home too.

Trim bushes, shrubs and trees.
Clean and repair concrete areas such as driveways and pavements. Eliminate any oil or grease stains and clean any weeds protruding through cracks.
If seasonally appropriate, display some annual pots that will retain their colour throughout the season. Make sure your house numbers are clearly visible.
With a little effort you can make your home beautiful and cosy, both inside and out.